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About Impact: Addressing the Double Gap

Impact @ EdFront is a program EdFront offers for unique, amazing students specifically in the ‘double-gap’— these students are marked as both “low income” & “low skilled.” Students who are already low-skilled may be struggling to get the adequate support they need due to costs. These students unfortunately face more barriers as they don’t have access to necessary resources. Here at Impact, we aim to reduce those barriers in order to set up these students for success!

Impact services focus on both Executive Functioning Coaching and Advocacy. Executive Functioning Coaching triages communication with all supports to build a relationship for strategic learning to thrive. Advocacy services aim to gain the appropriate support for the student within the school setting while also increasing your knowledge base to adjust future support.

Impact’s goal is provide one-to-one service in the student’s area of need. We're aiming to reduce the double gap by giving students the Executive Functioning and Advocacy resources they need without a cost to the student or parent and as such, increasing their skills without needing to worry about finances. EdFront has been able to donate 100+ hours since 2021 towards supporting students with their academic and personal development.

Through Impact, we offer personalized support to identify and target exact areas of need, hone skills, and support individualized growth. Students will be matched with an effective, energetic, and empathetic coach that will work with them in a one-on-one setting.

How We Partner

Impact @ EdFront aims to support the mission your organization strives for. We are dedicated to aligning the vision we have here at EdFront to support you with our services and benefit your students!

We offer numerous services, from one-on-one Executive Functioning Coaching sessions to Advocacy services. We prioritize your needs and provide the students you serve with the support they need. Our services feature one-to-one support which benefit the student and ensure their development. Communication is prioritized at Impact as we believe everyone involved should always be in the loop- the student, their parents, and our organization partner!

Partner with Us

We look forward to continuing to make an impact with students across different organizations who serve students in the ‘double-gap’. If you are interested in partnering with EdFront for Executive Functioning Coaching and Advocacy support, please let us know below. For more information about Impact, please contact Marlene Barrios at



Marlene Barrios

Marlene is the Impact Lead at EdFront, showcasing her commitment to making a positive impact in education. Marlene's passion for education equity drives her to advocate for equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their economic status, race, or gender. She firmly believes that every student should have access to the necessary tools and resources needed to succeed.

In collaboration with Shira Woodlee, Marlene actively contributed to the creation and launch of Impact @ EdFront in 2021, demonstrating her dedication to supporting low-income students. Starting as a project manager, Marlene's role has evolved to become the Impact Lead, where she now focuses on cultivating and expanding Impact’s strategic vision.

Shira Woodlee

Shira Woodlee founded EdFront in 2013 with the goal of personalizing support through coaching one-to-one. Shira's dedication to supporting students and their families in receiving the most equitable education possible has brought coaching and tutoring support to many students. Every day, Shira works directly with students to ensure success in their academic life by promoting their strengths and advocating for their areas of challenge.

Shira began her journey in education as a Resource Specialist in various high school settings and as a private academic coach, leading her to serve in many roles inside and outside of the school setting. As she continued to coach her students, she honed her coaching techniques and now directly works in triage with her whole team to ensure support for as many students as possible.

Shira is honored to work with incredible coaches and tutors who are all on the mission to support unique and misunderstood students to meet their highest personal potential.