Some students could not be getting the correct support in their school and communicating with teachers and support personnel may need the guidance of an advocate. If your child has learning challenges, you may have a difficult time understanding or updating your student’s IEP or 504. 

Working together with all impacted support personnel, Advocacy aims to gain the appropriate support for your child within the school setting while increasing your knowledge base to adjust the support needed in the future.

As a member of our family, we will foster lines of communication, attend meetings, and build confidence in the voice of your student.


We can help with ALL of these!

Diving into your child’s specific situation, learning and emotional needs, we will design a better schooling environment together. Whether that be a school change, a schedule change, an addition to, or the creation of a student support plan, we WILL make school manageable and enjoyable.

Shira is a key member of my IEP team. She has seen a lot of kids and has seen a lot of accommodations, so she brings focused and intelligent topics to the table, that coupled with the fact that she meets with my child every week, makes her comments very useful. I can not recommend her highly enough.
— Dedicated Parent


Fee: $120 per hour

Preparation for Advocacy:

  1. Gather all support documentation to share with Shira

  2. Select the “Get Started” button below

  3. Schedule a free consultation